Voces de España by Les Rugissants

Voces de España by Les Rugissants

Accompanied by the guitar, the vocal ensemble Les Rugissants explores Spanish music from the 20th and 21st centuries, delving into the imagery crafted by foreign composers and the poetry of Federico García Lorca.

Thirteen artists will take the stage, including a choir director, guitarist, flamenco dancer, and ten singers.

Spanish composers like Manuel Oltra, a prominent figure in Catalan music, Xavier Montsalvatge, Enrique Fabrez, and Albert Alcaraz, are featured in this concert. Manuel Oltra is known for setting to music various Spanish folk traditions. The selected works aim to showcase musical contrasts, provoke discovery, and present a diverse ensemble of Spanish music to engage the audience.

From abroad, the Finnish Einojuhani Rautavaara and the Italian Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco have set the poetry of Federico Garcia Lorca to music and embody the external perspective on the Spanish spirit.

In addition to music, this show gives voice to the poet and composer Federico García Lorca, so intimately linked to Andalusia and flamenco singing.


  • Les Rugissants, vocal ensemble
  • Xavier Brossard-Ménard, conductor
  • Marc-Etienne Leclerc, guitar
  • Marie-Andrée Cloutier, dancer

Founded in 2017, Les Rugissants ams to push the boundaries of choral art through innovative projects that explore current themes and new formats. Led by their conductor and artistic director Xavier Brossard-Ménard, the ensemble blends classical, folk, and popular works, while also incorporating other disciplines and diverse cultural influences into their performances.


  • Andalusian Traditional: El Vito (arr. Miguel Esteban)
  • Manuel Oltra: Tres canciones de Amor
  • Manuel Oltra: Cinco canciones españolas/Set cançons tradicionals
  • Einojuhani Rautavaara: Lorca Suite (I. Cancion de Jinetem II. El Grito, III. La luna asoma, IV. Malaguena)
  • Miguel Llobet: Variaciones sobre un tema de Sor, op. 15
  • Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco: Romancero Gitano, op 152 (I. Balladilla de los tres rios, II. La Guitarra, III. Puñal, IV. Procesión, V. Memento, VI. Baile, VII. Crótalo)
  • Music
  • Montreal
  • Sat, August 17, 2024
  • 16:30 —17:30


Venue map

Esplanade Tranquille, 1442 Rue Clark, Montréal, QC H2X 2R3


Free. Running time: 60 minutes.

More information

Orchestre Symphonique de Montreal
