The Things We Do For Love

An evening of Spanish theater under the stars in Strathcona Park.
Ottawa’s premier outdoor summer theatre company launches its milestone 30th anniversary season with The Things We Do For Love, an evening of three Spanish one-act plays that celebrate the passion and pursuit of love!
Featuring original compositions, puppet artistry and Odyssey’s signature mask work, classic tales from Spain’s great literary figures (Cervantes, García Lorca and Tirso) will come to life under the direction of Odyssey’s award-winning artistic director Laurie Steven, joined by nine professional Canadian actors.
Performed in English, The Things We Do for Love blends the traditional with the contemporary, infusing classic tales of chivalric love with longing, lust and laughter.
Saving Melisendra!
Based on a chapter of Miguel de Cervantes’ Don Quixote. Master Pedro’s chivalric puppet play takes a surprising turn when an unexpected audience member arrives.
The Love of Don Perlimplin and Belisa in the Garden
By Federico García Lorca. What happens when a middle-aged man marries then falls in love with a seething, sensual young gypsy girl? Comedy and tragedy rolled into one as Perlimplin goes to great lengths to win her heart!
Whether You Like it Or Not
Main show, by Tirso de Molina with translation by Dr. José Ruano de la Haza. An outrageous comedy in which the whimsical heroine concocts outrageous schemes to finally trap the man who has stolen her heart – whether he likes it or not!